Britney Hamm
Resource Developer and Befriend-a-Student Coordinator
My Story
I’ve had a passion for Jesus and investing in others since I was a child. Heading toward college I knew I wanted to do ministry no matter what my day job was.
While a student at UMKC, I met Travis. He invited me to be part of the newly formed ministry of Impact. I felt immediately at home with the tightknit core team who were as passionate about Jesus and discipleship as I was. As we ministered together and my relationship with Travis developed, God sparked my passion for college ministry.
Travis and I got married in 2009 and have been ministering side-by-side to reach college students ever since, though my role has changed as our family has grown. In some seasons I’ve been involved in the day-to-day of the ministry; in others I’ve simply been an encourager and sounding board for Travis. We now have five children, whom I homeschool. It’s a joy to involve our whole family as we seek to help college students know Jesus and put Him at the center of their lives.
I am also an author, editor, and sometimes graphic designer. I believe words and stories can be powerful vessels of life-transforming truth, and I love to use my wordy gifts to serve God’s Kingdom.
My Role
I am the resident wordsmith for Collegiate Impact, which means I help with a variety of things related to written and visual content, including developing resources for our staff and students. I invest in our female staff and ministry wives as I am able, and I serve as the coordinator for our Befriend-a-Student Program.